Māori Place Name Campaign
Kaupapa Projects

Kaupapa Projects

Translations & Interpretations

In late 2023, Kaupapa Projects shared an innovative idea to celebrate te reo Māori with us. They wanted to launch a Māori place name campaign to coincide with Director Rua Sargent's month-long bike journey across Te Waipounamu.

As learners of te reo Māori, we connected with Rua's insights on the importance of familiarising oneself with local place names as a pivotal step in revitalisation and reclamation efforts. Over four months, our team developed a comprehensive content strategy that included identifying and interpreting Māori place names and providing Māori language guidance across their digital marketing channels—Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

During the two-week digital campaign, we explored six place names in depth and shared over 30 pieces of content across social media platforms, honouring local place names and promoting te reo Māori.